Since 1934, when the first NUTRILITE product was introduced, the company has become a leader in
nutrition research, development, and innovation.
Today, under the leadership of Carl's son,
Dr. Sam Rehnborg,
the next generation of scientists,
researchers, and technicians is preserving the rich Nutrilite heritage by continuing to produce
high quality, innovative supplements.
Because they are made from whole plant concentrates, many NUTRILITE supplements contain a wide
array of phytonutrients.
Throughout his life, Carl Rehnborg believed this was the optimum way to achieve good nutrition
the way nature intended.
Plant nutrients are essential to good health. That’s why health experts
recommend eating a rainbow of different brightly-colored fruits and
vegetables every day. Unfortunately, most people don’t reach the
recommended goal of 9-13 daily servings very often – so many of us
miss out on some important health benefits.
The healthful plant nutrient compounds that make fruits and
vegetables so colorful are plentiful in Nutrilite supplements. You can
trust Nutrilite vitamins, minerals and supplements to fill in your daily
nutritional gaps as you "color yourself healthy."
Colorful Fruits and Vegetables
are the Secret to Good Health
To be as healthy as you can be, you should try to eat every
color of fruit and vegetable every day. That’s because each color
contains different plant nutrients, or phytonutrients, which act as
antioxidants to protect your cells and also have specific health